Much of what is seen on the surface of our body can be traced back to what is going on inside the body.
1. A healthy gut and liver
2. Adequate vitamins & minerals in your diet!
Keep reading to find some of our easy tips that you can apply and incorporate into your lifestyle today!
🌿 Start with your gut microbiome 🌿

🌿 Support your liver 🌿
To read more about the best herbs to help detoxify your liver, check out our last newsletter, here!
As the liver is responsible for producing bile which helps with digestion, it is intimately connected to your gut. Not only this but a high toxic load can also present in symptoms in the skin, thus loving your liver is KEY to healthy and glowing skin. 👏🏼
As hard as it is, if we could only choose ONE liver supplement available in our store to give your liver a little bit of extra love, which one would it be? 👀
... Milk Thistle Extract 🤩
🌿 Nourish your Body with all of the Phytonutrients, Vitamins & Minerals! 🌿
These are our TOP nutrients for hair, skin and nail health that you can also find in supplementation form in our store. We recommend talking to one of our naturopaths to find the best product for you!
1. Vitamin A
Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for the skin, promoting healthy collagen and keratin production which is a building block of your skin cells and crucial for maintaining its integrity. This is a fat soluble vitamin, meaning it is best absorbed with fats, and rich in sweet potato, pumpkin, eggs, leafy greens and liver.
2. Vitamin C
This vitamin is essential for healthy collagen production as well as a power antioxidant for fighting against free radical damage, premature ageing and skin repair. Can be found in a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables including berries, oranges, lemons, capsicum, microgreens, root vegetables and more!
3. Zinc
This one is such a crucial mineral for healthy skin! Deficiencies in zinc can often show up in a variety of skin issues. This is also a common deficiency in the modern population as much of the soil used in farming is low in zinc which is going to impact the nutrition of our food supply. If you're prone to acne, eczema or any inflammatory skin condition you might want to consider a zinc supplement!
🌿 Speak to one of our in store naturopaths or nutritionists to find the right strength zinc supplement for you. 🌿
4. Essential Fatty Acids
Maybe the name gave it away, but these are ESSENTIAL for a healthy skin microbiome and barrier. High in oily fish, avocados and nuts, however we would recommend everyone consider a high quality fish oil supplement to help your body reach its Omega 3 requirements.
🌿 Incorporate Collagen into your Diet! 🌿
Collagen is a great protein powder alternative that has a significant benefit on strengthening skin elasticity, wrinkles and hydration, with just 3-10g per day being researched to show improvements! On top of this, it is also rich in the amino acid glycine, which is often lacking in other protein sources which can provide anti-inflammatory benefits to the body, gut microbiome and even support a healthy nights sleep! 🙌🏼